
8 Strategies for Reducing Latency

High latency can render an application unusable, frustrating users and negatively impacting business outcomes. Developers need to understand low-latency strategies such as caching, using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), load balancing, asynchronous processing, database indexing, data compression, pre-caching, and utilizing keep-alive connections to mitigate these issues and improve performance. Click here to read more

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Why Switch to Pulumi for Infrastructure as Code?

Pulumi is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) platform that allows you to manage and scale infrastructure using familiar programming languages. By enhancing productivity, enabling faster time to value, and embracing modern cloud practices like AI and microservices, Pulumi stands out from traditional tools. It supports advanced automation, AI integration, and robust security measures. Companies…

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Most-Used Distributed System Design Patterns

Distributed system design patterns offer architectural solutions and best practices for developing distributed applications. This post discusses widely-used patterns like Ambassador for proxy tasks, Circuit Breaker to prevent cascading failures, CQRS for separating read and write databases, Event Sourcing for recording events, Sidecar for managing cross-cutting concerns, Leader Selection for electing a single node leader,…

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Elasticsearch is open source, again

Elasticsearch and Kibana are now open source again with the addition of the AGPL license option. Elastic believes this move will reduce confusion and strengthen their open-source commitment. The decision comes three years after changing the license due to issues with AWS, which ultimately resolved market confusion and bolstered the AWS partnership. Existing licenses (ELv2…

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gRPC: The Bad Parts

gRPC: The Bad Parts

gRPC is a high-performance RPC framework with widespread language support, but it has its downsides. Key issues include a steep learning curve with complex terminology, reliance on HTTP/2 which isn’t fully supported by browsers, lack of early standardized JSON mapping, and challenges with finite message sizes requiring complex implementation. Furthermore, gRPC’s tooling and community engagement…

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